Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

Ecology [Pursuing the creation of a decarbonized society]

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Items marked with “” have been verified by third parties. The environmental impact indicator was not verified by third parties. The figures shown in the graphs differ from the verified figures as different coefficients were used.

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

Preparing a Scenario for Achieving Carbon Neutrality

To promote carbon neutrality with regard to Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we have engaged in discussions to determine the feasibility of and priorities in our options for individual initiatives, including the installation of energy-saving facilities, cogeneration systems and solar power generators, a shift to energy procured from renewable energy sources, the replacement of fuel-fired energy with non-fuel energy and the incorporation of hydrogen as an alternative fuel. We have also recognized that achieving carbon neutrality with regard to fuel used to generate steam is an issue requiring particular attention. In line with this recognition, we prepared a plan for utilizing hydrogen.

Based on an assessment of the actual status of energy use at each base, we promoted deliberations with base representatives while distributing videos featuring carbon neutrality topics to raise employee awareness. Currently, the preparation of carbon neutrality scenarios is under way at each base.

Shifting to Renewable Energy in Terms of Purchased Energy Used by Our Tire Factories in China

In January 2022, our Changshu Factory and Hunan Factory in China shifted all purchased energy to energy procured from renewable energy sources, with an eye to contributing to a carbon-neutral society. Thanks to this move, the volume of CO2 emissions from tire manufacturing at these two factories in fiscal 2022 is expected to decrease by approximately 70% compared with the fiscal 2021 level.

Furthermore, the Turkey Factory and SRI Engineering Co., Ltd., have similarly shifted to their purchased energy to energy procured from renewable energy sources.


Acquiring ISO 50001 Certification

Published in 2011, ISO 50001 is an international standard for energy management systems that supports the systematic and constant improvement of energy use. Within the Sumitomo Rubber Group, the Changshu Factory, China, and Brazil and Turkey factories are certified under ISO 50001.

Name of base Date of certification
Changshu Factory, China February 2015
Brazil Factory February 2015
Turkey Factory May 2022

Initiatives to Reduce Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

The Sumitomo Rubber Group has identified a target of reducing its Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 (compared with the 2017 level) and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To this end, each base has undertaken the preparation of carbon neutrality scenarios that include the installation of energy-saving facilities, the expansion of cogeneration systems, the introduction of solar power generators, a shift to the procurement of green energy and the adoption of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

If the reduction of CO2 emissions progresses in line with these scenarios, we will be able to reduce our CO2 emissions by 55% in 2029, a year ahead of schedule. To raise awareness among employees, we also launched an intranet website that disseminates informational videos on carbon neutrality. Furthermore, as part of efforts to nurture a keen awareness of the need to protect the Earth’s environment into the future among younger employees, we host roundtable talk events in which new recruits are invited to discuss carbon neutrality.

An intranet website created by employee suggestions as part of feedback gleaned via questionnaires targeting new recruits

ESG-Based Business Management Structure

In August 2021, we announced “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050,” our Long-Term Sustainability Policy outlining initiatives to be undertaken by 2050. Under this policy, we work to align our business operations from the perspective of not only enhancing our economic value but also our societal value so that we can constantly create new value. In these ways, we will help realize a sustainable society and remain a company deserving stakeholder trust.

To promote ESG management, we employ a two-layer structure consisting of the Sustainability Promotion Committee and meetings of personnel in charge of promoting sustainability.
The Sustainability Promotion Committee meets twice a year to strengthen governance over ESG management by conducting a management review. With the Director in charge of sustainability serving as the committee chair, officers in charge of each division are appointed as committee members.

In 2022, the committee was convened in February and July. Through these meetings, the committee examined reports on the status of ESG management being promoted across the Company, initiatives under our Long-Term Sustainability Policy (e.g., carbon neutrality, diversity & inclusion, governance) and sustainability-related activities being undertaken by 10 divisions in Japan and overseas. Upon the close of each meeting, conclusions reached by the committee were reported to the Board of Directors, while all employees were updated about the topics related to ESG.
Meetings of personnel in charge of promoting sustainability were launched in 2022 and have since been convened three times to ensure the robust sharing of sustainability-related information among all Group members and to promote ESG management.


CO2 Emissions Reduction Activities in Production Bases

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

In fiscal 2022, we pushed ahead with the restoration of in-house power generation facilities and the decarbonization of the electricity we use. As a result, the volume of CO2 emissions generated by Sumitomo Rubber Group factories at home and abroad in the course of production activities decreased 54,000 t-CO2 year on year.

In fiscal 2023, we will strive to further reduce our CO2 emissions via engagement in energy-saving activities as well as the preparation and implementation of scenarios for achieving carbon neutrality.


Status of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Other than CO2

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

Other than CO2, the Sumitomo Rubber Group’s GHG emissions consist of methane, dinitrogen monoxide, fluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.

As for fluorocarbons, we conduct the maintenance and periodic inspection of relevant equipment in accordance with the Act for Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons while regularly calculating the volume of activities and leakage. With regard to the mandatory reporting of the calculated amount of leaked fluorocarbons, no applicable incident occurred during fiscal 2022.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CH4 795 813 408 762 601
N2O 518 580 389 483 390
HFC 245 301 81 659 134
PFC 0 0 0 0 0
SF6 1,192 1,762 52 15,221 1,202
NF3 0 0 0 0 0

Calculated Amount of Leaked Fluorocarbons (t-CO2)
(Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., non-consolidated)


Note: The calculation method used is based on the Act for Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons

CO2 Emissions Reduction in Logistics

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

In fiscal 2022, we endeavored to shorten transportation distance by, for example, optimizing the location of our production sites and promoting the loading of export products at ports nearest to production sites.

CO2 emissions from transporting tires decreased 7.7% from the previous fiscal year to 25.0 kt-CO2e, reflecting a decline in overall cargo weight and shorter transportation distance. The environmental impact indicator fell 2.4%.

In fiscal 2023, we will continue promoting the loading of export products at ports nearest to production sites and optimizing the location of our production sites.

CO2 Emissions in Logistics (Domestic)


Tire Transportation Distance Indicator *


*Primary transportation distance (kilometers)/ primary cargo weight (tons) (based on the periodic reporting system stipulated under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Shift, etc., to Non-Fossil Energy (Energy Saving Law); 2006 has been set as the reference year (at a value of 100)


*Ratio of railway or marine vessel transportation to overall transportation volume

Green Logistics Guidelines

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

Based on Green Logistics Guidelines it established in December 2007, the Sumitomo Rubber Group is promoting environmental protection activities throughout its supply chain.

A Sumitomo Rubber Group Green Logistics Guidelines booklet

Improving Logistics Quality

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

We have identified reducing the burden placed on drivers and providing them with a better working environment as a priority issue that we should address as a shipper in terms of securing a sufficient number of operating vehicles as well as ensuring legal compliance. We are therefore striving to ensure that the process from the moment a truck enters our premises to the completion of cargo loading is completed as quickly as possible.

Accordingly, we have introduced ICT systems, including for notifying drivers of their designated time of entry, while curbing the number of instances where goods are transported between factory warehouses. Through these and other various initiatives, we work to reduce waiting time as well as time taken for loading.

The initiatives discussed above also contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Looking ahead, we will strive to improve the quality of logistics operations so that we can harmoniously coexist and achieve mutual prosperity with transportation companies.