MOE Guideline Index

The following is the index for “Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018” published by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE).

MOE Guideline Index

Item Integrated Report 2023 Website
Chapter.1: Basic information of environmental reporting
1. Basic requirements for environmental reporting

Boundary of the reporting entity

Editorial Policy (p. 2)

Editorial Policy

Reporting period for information provided

Editorial Policy (p. 2)

Editorial Policy

Reporting standards, guidelines or the like

Editorial Policy (p. 2)

Editorial Policy

Overview of the environmental report

2. Trends in key performance indicators

Trends in major performance indicators

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Waste Reduction Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden Global Environmental Data Links to Performance Data
Chapter.2: Items to be reported in environmental reporting
1. Top management’s commitments

Top management's commitments on the entity’s response to material environmental issues

TOP COMMITMENT (pp. 23-28)

Top Commitment Basic Policy on Environmental Preservation (fundamental philosophy) Responding to Climate Change (TCFD)
2. Governance

The entity’s governance structure

Environmental Management System (p. 63)

Environmental Management System

Name of the manager responsible for material environmental issues

Environmental Management System (p. 63)

Environmental Management System

The roles of the board of directors and the board of executive officers in the management of material environmental issues

Environmental Management System (p. 63)

ESG-Based Business Management Structure (p. 88)

Corporate Governance Environmental Management System
3. Stakeholder engagement

Corporate policies to stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement (p. 89)

Stakeholder Engagement

Overview of stakeholder engagement activities conducted in the reporting period

Responding to Climate Change, Initiatives to Reduce TRWP (p. 63)

Supply Chain Management (p. 64)

Initiatives to Address Water Security Risks (p. 65)

Forestation Activities to Help Curb Global Warming, Initiatives to Preserve Biodiversity (p. 66)

Stakeholder Engagement (p. 89)

Initiatives for Society (p. 90)

Environmental Management System Environmental Communications Initiatives to Protect the Environment through Greenery and Forest Development Integrity (Integrity for Society)
4. Risk management

Environment-related risk identification, assessment, and management processes

Risk Management (p. 86)

Risk Management Responding to Climate Change (TCFD)

Positioning of the above processes within the entity’s overall risk management

Risk Management (p. 86)

Risk Management Responding to Climate Change (TCFD)
5. Business model

The entity’s business model

Value Creation Model (pp. 11-12)

Value Creation Model
6. Value chain management

Value chain overview

Risks, Opportunities and the Value Chain (pp. 19-22)

Value Chain, External Environment, Risks and Opportunities

Green procurement policy, objectives, and results

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results (pp. 91-92)

Supply Chain Management (p. 64)

Supply Chain Management

Status of eco-friendly products and services

Overview of “TOWANOWA,” a Business Model Designed to Support a Circular Economy through the Tire Business (pp. 56-58)

Initiatives to Support a Circular Economy Next (Next-Generation Products & Solutions)
7. Long-term vision

Long-term vision

TOP COMMITMENT (pp. 23-28)

Outline of the New Midterm Plan (2023–2027) (p. 31)

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050” (p. 55)

Top Commitment Management Policy Our Philosophy Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”

Time period covered by the long-term vision

TOP COMMITMENT (pp. 23-28)

Outline of the New Midterm Plan (2023–2027) (p. 31)

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050” (p. 55)

Top Commitment Management Policy Our Philosophy Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”

Reasons why that time period was selected

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050” (p. 55)

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”
8. Strategy

Business strategy of an entity developed for contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society

TOP COMMITMENT (pp. 23-28)

Outline of the New Midterm Plan (2023–2027) (p. 31)

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050” (p. 55)

Top Commitment Management Policy Our Philosophy Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”
9. Methodology for identifying material environmental issues

Procedure by which the entity identified its material environmental issues

Priority Issues (Materiality) (pp. 15-16)

Priority Issues (Materiality)

List of identified material environmental issues

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results (pp. 91-92)

Ecology (Ecological Sustainability)

Reasons that the identified environmental issues were judged material

Priority Issues (Materiality) (pp. 15-16)

Priority Issues (Materiality) Responding to Climate Change (TCFD)

Boundaries of the material environmental issues

Responding to Climate Change (TCFD)
10. The entity’s material environmental issues

Policies and/or action plans

A Roadmap for ESG Management (pp. 17-18)

Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050” (p. 55)

A Roadmap for Sustainability Management Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”

Targets and results of policies / action plans based on performance indicators

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results (pp. 91-92)

Governance (Effective Governance Framework) Ecology (Ecological Sustainability) Next (Next-Generation Products & Solutions) Kindness (A Kind Culture Where Everyone Can Prosper) Integrity (Integrity for Society)

Methodologies used for calculating each performance indicator

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results (pp. 91-92)

Ecology (Ecological Sustainability)

Aggregation scope of data for each performance indicator

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results (pp. 91-92)

Ecology (Ecological Sustainability)

Financial impact of related risks and opportunities and calculation methodology thereof, if the financial impact is significant

An assurance report, if an independent third party provided assurance to the items to be reported

Independent Verification Report (p. 99)

Independent Verification Report
Reference: Major environmental issues and their performance indicators
1. Climate change
Greenhouse gas emissions

Scope 1 emissions

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Global Environmental Data

Scope 2 emissions

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Global Environmental Data

Scope 3 emissions

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Global Environmental Data
Emission intensity

Greenhouse gas emission intensity

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Global Environmental Data
Energy usage

Breakdown of energy usage and overall energy usage

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden

Renewable energy usage as a percentage of overall energy usage

Consolidated Non-Financial Data (p. 96)

Global Environmental Data
2. Water resources

Water resource inputs

Initiatives to Address Water Security Risks (p. 65)

Global Environmental Data

Water intensity

Water discharge

Initiatives to Address Water Security Risks (p. 65)

Global Environmental Data

Status of water stress, if the entity has sites or supply chains located in areas with water stress

Initiatives to Address Water Security Risks (p. 65)

Global Environmental Data
3. Biodiversity

Impact of business activities on biodiversity

Status and extent of the dependency of the entity’s business activities on biodiversity

Business activities that contribute to biodiversity conservation

Initiatives to Preserve Biodiversity (p. 66)

Initiatives to Preserve Biodiversity

Status of cooperation with external stakeholders

Forestation Activities to Help Curb Global Warming (p. 66)

Initiatives for Society (p. 90)

Initiatives to Protect the Environment through Greenery and Forest Development Integrity (Integrity for Society)
4. Resource circulation
Resource inputs

Volume of nonrenewable resource inputs

Volume of renewable resource inputs

Initiatives to Support a Circular Economy (pp. 61-62)

Initiatives to Support a Circular Economy Waste Reduction

Volume of recycled materials used

Rate of recycled and reused resources
( = Volume of recycled materials used / Volume of resource inputs)

Resource waste

Total production of waste, etc.

Initiatives to Support a Circular Economy (pp. 61-62)

Initiatives to Support a Circular Economy Waste Reduction

Total final disposal volume of waste, etc.

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden
5. Chemical substances

Volume of chemical substances in storage

Volume of chemical substance emissions

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden

Volume of chemical substances transferred

Volume of chemical substances handled (volume used)

6. Pollution prevention

Status of legal compliance

Environmental Management (p. 63)

Environmental Management System
Air quality conservation

Air-pollutant emissions volume, emission concentration in air pollution regulations

Waste Reduction (p. 65)

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden
Water pollution

Water pollution load, emission concentration in emissions regulations

Initiatives to Address Water Security Risks (p. 65)

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden
Soil pollution

Status of soil pollution

Overview of Business Activities and Environmental Burden