
1909 Dunlop U.K. established Japan’s first modern rubber factory.
1910 Began production of bicycle tires and tubes and solid rickshaw tires.
1911 Started production of rubber tubing, gloves and water pillows.
1913 Started production of automobile tires.
Produced Japan’s first automobile tire.
The first Japanese-made automobile tire
The first Japanese-made automobile tire
1917 Incorporated as a Japanese corporation with \1.18 million capital.
1930 Started production of golf and tennis balls. DUNLOP 65(Released in 1935)
(Released in 1935)
1935 Started production of motorcycle tires.
1944 Izumiotsu Factory commenced operations.
1954 Developed Japan’s first tubeless tire.
1960 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation took a stake in the company.
1961 Nagoya Factory commenced operations.
Started production of DUNLOP FORT tennis balls.
1963 The Japanse side's investment ratio exceeded 50%.
Changed name to Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.
1964 Started production of golf clubs.
1966 Started production of the SP3, Japan’s first radial tire. SP3
1967 Started production of marine fenders.
1972 Kakogawa Factory commenced operations.
1974 Shirakawa Factory commenced operations.
1976 Miyazaki Factory commenced operations. Developed Japan’s first Formula-1 racing tire.
1981 Malaysia Factory commenced operations.
1984 Acquired six tire plants in the UK, Germany and France
as well as Dunlop Tyre Technical Division in UK.
1986 Acquired Dunlop Tire Corporation in the U.S. Okayama Driving Test Course completed.
1994 Head office building completed. Head Office building
Head Office building
1995 Kobe Factory closed due to the The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
1996 Ichijima Factory commenced operations.
1997 Indonesia Factory commenced operations.
1999 Formed alliance in the tire business with The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of the U.S.
2000 Started production of rubber parts for medical applications.
2001 Zhongshan Factory (China) commenced operations.
2003 Merged with The Ohtsu Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd.
Established SRI Sports Limited* and SRI Hybrid Limited.
2004 Changshu Factory (China) commenced operations.
2006 Released ENASAVE ES801, 70% fossil resource-free tires.

Thailand Factory commenced operations.

Vietnam Factory commenced operations.

SRI Sports Limited listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
2008 Released ENASAVE 97, 97% fossil resource-free tires.
2009 Celebrated the Company’s 100th anniversary.

Tyre Technical Center completed.
Tyre Technical Center
Tyre Technical Center
2010 Integrated Dunlop Falken Tyres Ltd. and SRI Hybrid Limited.

Established a natural rubber processing plant in the northern part of Thailand.
2012 Launched MIRAIE, a vibration control dampersr for wooden houses.

The Group’s second tire factory in China commenced operations.

Established a tire sales joint venture in India
2013 Released ENASAVE 100, 100% fossil resource-free tires.
* Since the use of synthetic rubber became the mainstream.
* Based on our in-house research.

Secured a tire production base in South Africa through the acquisition of Apollo Tyres South Africa.
2014 Released ENASAVE NEXT, 50% less Rolling Resistance tires, achieved the "AAA-a"rank under Japan's tire labeling system.

Established Tire sales corporation in Australia.

Launched premium runflat tires DUNLOP "SP SPORT MAXX 050 NEO" and FALKEN "AZENIS FK453 RUNFLAT" with “NEO-T01” High-Precision Metal Core Tyre Manufacturing System.
2015 Acquired Lonstroff Holding AG a Swiss medical rubber parts manufacturer.

Dissolved the alliance agreement and joint ventures with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Acquired a USA factory.

Turkey Factory began operation.
2017 Acquired the DUNLOP Brand Overseas Business

Acquired Micheldever Group Ltd. a leading tire distributor in the UK.

USA Technical Center and Europe Technical Center bagan operation.

Introduced "SMART TYRE CONCEPT" - a new technology development concept.
2018 Integrated Sumitomo Rubber Group's sports business.
2019 Slovenia Factory commenced operations.

Launched "ENASAVE NEXT III" as the world’s first* tires to incorporate “Cellulose Nanofiber”.
* Based on our in-house research.
2020 Established corporate philosophy structure"Our Philosophy".
2021 Established Long-Term Sustainability Policy: “Driving Our Future Challenge 2050”.

Began providing "Tire Pressure and Temperature Management Service" for passenger cars.
2023 Formulated TOWANOWA, a Circular Economy Concept for the tire business.

*Renamed Dunlop Sports Co., Ltd. in May 2012.

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