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Management Approach

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group
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We are promoting human capital management to realize our Vision of what we want to be as an organization, “Uniting our diverse strengths, growing together, driving and thriving on change,” with the aim of embodying our Purpose, “Through innovation we will create a future of joy and well-being for all” as defined by “Our Philosophy.” We are confident that we can provide joy and well-being for our stakeholders through innovation by mobilizing the collective efforts of our diverse human resources and leveraging the strengths of each employee to create value.
Furthermore, with manufacturing sites across the planet and a worldwide distribution network, the Sumitomo Rubber Group does business globally. To administer our business appropriately, we feel the weight of responsibility to build relationships with all the stakeholders along our value chain and to recognize and deal with risks.

Targets and Results

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

In line with the Sumitomo Rubber Group’s “GENKI” Sustainability Activity Guidelines, we verify results achieved thus far against targets specified under this policy and then formulate targets for the upcoming fiscal year.
Here, we present targets and results for each item.

Targets and Results
Targets under the Long-Term Sustainability Policy Plan: Fiscal 2023 Target Do: Fiscal 2023 Activity Results Check: Self-Assessment Action: Fiscal 2024 Target
Safety & Health
  • Thoroughgoing Occupational Safety & Health
  • Zero Serious Accidents
・Implement safety assurance activities as part of the BTC activities that have taken root throughout the Company
・Continue pursuing improvement in safety indicators (KPIs)
・Enhanced communication through BTC activities
・Achieved safety indicators (KPIs) targets
・Continue communication enhancement activities
・Continue pursuing improvement in safety indicators (KPIs)
  • Promoting Health and Productivity Management
  • Strengthening the Occupational Health System & Cultivating Culture of Health
・Strengthen industrial health framework by enhancing skills of health specialists and increasing personnel
・Cultivate a culture of health (enhance the recognition of the revised version of Health & Productivity Management Declaration, which was announced in 2022, among employees
・Implemented activities that transcend bases, such as smoking countermeasures, health meetings to provide and share the latest knowledge, team activities, and smoking cessation promotion committees
・Achieved a 50.9% recognition rate for the Health & Productivity Management Declaration in a survey on health awareness.
・Strengthen industrial health framework by enhancing skills of health specialists and increasing personnel
・Cultivate a culture of health (enhance the recognition of the revised version of Health & Productivity Management Declaration, which was announced in 2022, among employees
Organizational Culture
  • Developing Leadership
  • Global Introduction of 360° Feedback (2030), Ongoing Executive Coaching (2030), 80% Positive Responses on Organizational Health Survey (2030)
・360° Feedback: Further expand the scope of employee subject to 360° feedback to include locally hired management employees at overseas factories and employees at domestic affiliates
・Enhance the leadership and management skills of managerial employees
・Organizational health survey: Raise the ratio of positive responses to 78.5%
・Expanded the scope of the 360° feedback to include locally hired management employees at overseas factories
・Implemented various leadership seminars and continued organizational health task force
・Positive responses on organizational health survey (2023): Achieved 69.9%
・Made efforts to improve the response rate among factory technicians, who had previously had a low response rate to surveys, and clarified new issues
・Implement 360° feedback and leadership seminars
・Utilize the talent management of 360° feedback
・Promote the organizational culture change project, including addressing issues identified through initiatives in 2023
Respect for Diversity & Harmony
  • Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
  • Expansion of Unconscious Bias Training to All Levels (2030) (non-consolidated basis)
・Start rolling out unconscious bias education to factories
・Endeavor to secure a robust understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and distribute ally stickers to a growing scope of employees
・Expand measures to create a women-friendly frontline worksite
・Introduced questions on awareness of unconscious bias into the company-wide regular questionnaire and qualitatively monitored the degree of penetration
・Established a community of allies and started distributing ally stickers to the training course participants and to those who wish
・Improved welfare facilities at each factory, secured budget and drafted plan for improving work environment and welfare facilities for the next fiscal year
・Implement grade-specific Unconscious Bias Training for factory employees
・Response for awareness of unconscious bias in company-wide questionnaire
Company-wide:80%, Technicians: 60%
・Continue to distribute ally stickers, continue and expand community activities
  • Promoting Women’s Empowerment
  • Ongoing Career Development Program for Women
  • Ratio of Female Managers: 7% (2025), 12% (2030) (non-consolidated basis)
・Incorporate the mentoring system into existing training systems
・Develop measures to nurture female top management candidates
・Outlined the mentoring system at grade-specific training
・Send female general managers to external training courses for female executives offered by external organizations
・Provided education for managers with female subordinates and career education for female employees
・Expand the mentoring system to young generations
・Develop training systems to increase the ratio of female managers
・Strengthen Top Commitment
Respect for Human Rights
  • Establishing a Human Rights Management System
  • ormulation of a Global Human Rights Policy (2023), Creation of Human Rights Management System and Due Diligence Process (2024), Establishment and Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence (2025)
・Formulate and issue a Global Human Rights Policy
・Formulated and issued Sumitomo Rubber Group Human Rights Policy
・Updated the target
Creation of Human Rights Management System and Due Diligence Process (2024), Establishment and Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence (2025)
・Identify and clarify human rights issues within the group, and develop a human rights due diligence roadmap
Supply Chain Management
  • Actively Seeking Third-party Assessments (EcoVadis)
  • Procurement of 95% (purchase value basis) of Tyre Raw Materials from Suppliers Who Earned Standard (45 points) or Higher Scores (2030) (Planning the phased rollout of this procurement approach to businesses other than the Tyre Business.)*
・Procured 87% of raw materials (purchase value basis) from suppliers who earned standard scores (45 points or more)
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